Weezer - Perth, 23rd january 2013
Words: Todd Lockley

As the lights dimmed on a semi-full Perth Arena, a somewhat super hero intro theme blasted through the speakers as our heroes of the night, Weezer, took their places. One thing became apparent early, front man Rivers Cuomo was feeling rather chatty “Welcome to the Weezer Memories Tour 2013” he exclaimed before the band burst into the Greatest Hits portion of the show with the 2010 single Memories.
Cuomo counted down the years of each song in progression, as (If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To and Pork And Beans got an early airing. The banter continued with a quick “What up Perth?” ignited a mighty roar, before the stock standard “Perth crowds are better than the Sydney/Melbourne crowds”.
The stage was quite naked for such an established band; the only real extravagance was the massive Weezer logo orange neon flashing light that rose as they rocketed through Troublemaker. The first of the crowd sing alongs came in the form of Dope Nose and the infectious romp that is Beverly Hills
Hash Pipe churned along like a big bouncy monster ending in a somewhat Metallica One infused finale. The first part of the show concluded with You Gave Your Love To Me Softly and a massive love in celebration to fan favourite El Scorcho with the band seeming to enjoy it the most - such joy playing a nightly standard is rarely shown - well done.
Cuomo counted down the years of each song in progression, as (If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To and Pork And Beans got an early airing. The banter continued with a quick “What up Perth?” ignited a mighty roar, before the stock standard “Perth crowds are better than the Sydney/Melbourne crowds”.
The stage was quite naked for such an established band; the only real extravagance was the massive Weezer logo orange neon flashing light that rose as they rocketed through Troublemaker. The first of the crowd sing alongs came in the form of Dope Nose and the infectious romp that is Beverly Hills
Hash Pipe churned along like a big bouncy monster ending in a somewhat Metallica One infused finale. The first part of the show concluded with You Gave Your Love To Me Softly and a massive love in celebration to fan favourite El Scorcho with the band seeming to enjoy it the most - such joy playing a nightly standard is rarely shown - well done.

After an entertaining and informative slide show of pictures and running commentary by close band mate “Karl”, it was finally announced “And now, Ladies and Gentlemen, the Blue album!” and the crowd erupted as Weezer once again took their places and smashed out My Name Is Jonas.
As No One Else was played you could close your eyes and be back there in 1992 at a low- fi grunge gig, or perhaps Planet Nightclub in 1996, the last time Weezer were in Perth city. The largest reaction of the night went to the beloved Buddy Holly as the recognizable 4 count of the tapping drumsticks led into an all out sing song - the happy vibes still rain supreme.
Grunge anthem Undone - The Sweater Song had the front row rocking out in true indie alternative bliss. One thing noticeable was the high powered spot light constantly chasing Cuomo, it seemed to not notice that Scott Shriner, Brian Bell and the heavy hitting Patrick Wilson were also giving their all.
As No One Else was played you could close your eyes and be back there in 1992 at a low- fi grunge gig, or perhaps Planet Nightclub in 1996, the last time Weezer were in Perth city. The largest reaction of the night went to the beloved Buddy Holly as the recognizable 4 count of the tapping drumsticks led into an all out sing song - the happy vibes still rain supreme.
Grunge anthem Undone - The Sweater Song had the front row rocking out in true indie alternative bliss. One thing noticeable was the high powered spot light constantly chasing Cuomo, it seemed to not notice that Scott Shriner, Brian Bell and the heavy hitting Patrick Wilson were also giving their all.

The harmonica made a very brief appearance for Surf Wax America before some Star Wars - esque guitar duelling battles complimented Say It Aint So. In My Garage was an obvious highlight for the kids in the standing section with fist pumping and obvious air of jubilation at finally hearing this song live.
A dark shade of Jazz Club blue transcended over the crowd as the Blue Album back drop shined bright and Only In Dreams drifted along until the raucous chorus rudely interrupted the serenity with crashing guitars. With guitars raised above their heads Weezer waved goodbye and exited the stage, only to return one last time for a rollicking final fling of Island in The Sun.
The 16 year absence (17 actually) had all but been forgiven as the band mounted the drum kit to say farewell one last time, promising to return sooner rather than later. A perfect presentation of all that was beautiful about the golden age of grunge – Big arenas, awesome albums and 2 hours of solid gold guitars and harmonies.
A dark shade of Jazz Club blue transcended over the crowd as the Blue Album back drop shined bright and Only In Dreams drifted along until the raucous chorus rudely interrupted the serenity with crashing guitars. With guitars raised above their heads Weezer waved goodbye and exited the stage, only to return one last time for a rollicking final fling of Island in The Sun.
The 16 year absence (17 actually) had all but been forgiven as the band mounted the drum kit to say farewell one last time, promising to return sooner rather than later. A perfect presentation of all that was beautiful about the golden age of grunge – Big arenas, awesome albums and 2 hours of solid gold guitars and harmonies.