The National, The Walkmen… More Harvest Goodness

… and It keeps getting better for punters in Adelaide and Perth.
Two very special Harvest sideshows have been scheduled for The National.
Their back catalogue is an abundance of riches, with the likes of High Violet, Boxer and Alligator all receiving critical acclaim; Brooklyn’s favourite smouldering, slow burn indie-rock sons look set to win hearts and minds as they tour the country.
Two very special Harvest sideshows have been scheduled for The National.
Their back catalogue is an abundance of riches, with the likes of High Violet, Boxer and Alligator all receiving critical acclaim; Brooklyn’s favourite smouldering, slow burn indie-rock sons look set to win hearts and minds as they tour the country.

With special guests The Walkmen coupling out a perfect double bill, these gigs are definitely worth bearing witness, if only to find out what all the fuss is about.
Recent albums Lisbon and You & Me have been nothing short of astounding and we can't help but get a little bit excited to find out what they sound like live.
Do the maths - these gigs are making for truly special evenings.
Catch The National supported by The Walkmen in:
Adelaide, Thebarton Theatre Tuesday 15th November - tickets from Venue-Tix
Perth, Metro City Thursday 17th November - SOLD OUT
Recent albums Lisbon and You & Me have been nothing short of astounding and we can't help but get a little bit excited to find out what they sound like live.
Do the maths - these gigs are making for truly special evenings.
Catch The National supported by The Walkmen in:
Adelaide, Thebarton Theatre Tuesday 15th November - tickets from Venue-Tix
Perth, Metro City Thursday 17th November - SOLD OUT