Liam Gallagher - Perth, 17th December 2019
Words: Todd Lockley

"I don't know what it is that makes me feel alive!" - Liam Gallagher, Oasis, recorded Loco Studios, South Wales, 1995. Well, you can tick off performing live, Liam, you miserable cunt! That's the sort of Bipolar Bear in a Drunk Dinosaur fight feeling we got on a school night, Tuesday at the Fremantle Art Centre. The ego had officially landed and boy was he in a foul mood. But first...
Alex Lahey and her merry band kicked of proceedings with a hyperactive, effervescent (K) pop! Thoroughly enjoying the opportunity, she waltzed her way through a kick arse set that really started to peak during Don't Be So Hard On Yourself. Lahey is 100% kick arse, 110% of the time and she was clearly stoked to be playing in the almighty Freo!
She was everything Liam Gallagher should have been; up for it, happy to be there, introducing her equally up for it band, and you could see every single thing she was doing. Wailing on the Saxamaphone (sic), urging the crowd to join her during the "doo dah dahs" in I Haven't Been Taking Care Of Myself or just mad owning it with Everyday's The Weekend. She was a right treat and deserved her own headline slot!
So when some rowdy chant from what sounded like a bunch of shit-faced soccer hooligans started to rally up the fat bastards at the front, it was clearly time for the main man. Dead on 8.30pm, Well done lad! He... sauntered out? ran out? moon walked out in a leather jacket? Who the fuck knows? The strobes were frantic but unless you were in the first 6 metres from the stage, who the fuck knows how Liam Gallagher entered, looked or if he was even there at all?!
Those up on the grassy knoll enjoyed that black silhouette known as Gallagher. Just like at Falls 2018, Liam opened with Rock N Roll Star. Like a madman on turrets, he moaned about the shitty PA mid song. "Wasting my fucking time!" he bellowed catching most off guard. The fun kicked on during the intro to Halo, when ole mate Liam threatened one of his band members "You don't start til I fucking say so!" All the happys!
After Shockwave he'd finally had enough and most braced for a full thrown titillating tantrum, but after telling the crowd to all "Go and ask for your money back, fucking K Pop sound system!", things lightened up, he seemed to move on and by the sounds of the choppers introducing Morning Glory he seemed to mellow a little and his voice went from fucking shit to just a little shit.
Stand By Me was good, Once was the biggest highlight from the non-Oasis stuff, except for that opening line, what the fuck?! He moved along at a steady pace, every now and again a flare would go up in the crowd (just like Falls - hopefully they catch you and ban you one day "Flareboy"!). "This is Wonderwall" introduced a whole bunch of fucking phone screens in the beautiful summer night air, Gallagher deciding to leave all the choruses to the crowd, in what can only be described as a lackluster, lazy ending to the main set of dribble.
"Thank you, see you later" was the first insincere goodbye. The band once again came up the metal stairs at side of stage for what was the best part of the night. "I hope you know the words to Acquiesce cos I don't" Gallagher proclaimed. He lied, he just didn't know the bits his talented sibling offered on the original, instead done by three soul singing sisters who were a joy in a sometimes untidy and dark, seedy stage.
Unlike, Lahey before him, Liam Gallagher did not introduce a single member of his good for nothing band! However they went up a notch during Oasis banger Supersonic - a moment they might have pushed the old bastard into the crowd and let him fester with his beloved, the cretins throwing full beers into the air, setting off flares and punching on with the art time people looking for a casual Tuesday evening.
"I thank ya for coming out, and putting up with this madness, there ya go!" was the second sayonara before a trudging Champagne Supernova flippidy floppidied itself all over the smouldering crowd. A more sincere and final "Happy Christmas ya motherfuckers" ended the jibber jabba as he came back for a second encore (who the fuck does that anymore?!). Cigarettes And Alcohol left half the attendees bailing for the Fremantle night life and the other half wondering why Liam just wandered offstage without blowing a goat goodbye.
He came he, he struggled, got angry, then fucked off! Good on him, the Oasis legacy is still intact! You Fat Bastards!
Alex Lahey and her merry band kicked of proceedings with a hyperactive, effervescent (K) pop! Thoroughly enjoying the opportunity, she waltzed her way through a kick arse set that really started to peak during Don't Be So Hard On Yourself. Lahey is 100% kick arse, 110% of the time and she was clearly stoked to be playing in the almighty Freo!
She was everything Liam Gallagher should have been; up for it, happy to be there, introducing her equally up for it band, and you could see every single thing she was doing. Wailing on the Saxamaphone (sic), urging the crowd to join her during the "doo dah dahs" in I Haven't Been Taking Care Of Myself or just mad owning it with Everyday's The Weekend. She was a right treat and deserved her own headline slot!
So when some rowdy chant from what sounded like a bunch of shit-faced soccer hooligans started to rally up the fat bastards at the front, it was clearly time for the main man. Dead on 8.30pm, Well done lad! He... sauntered out? ran out? moon walked out in a leather jacket? Who the fuck knows? The strobes were frantic but unless you were in the first 6 metres from the stage, who the fuck knows how Liam Gallagher entered, looked or if he was even there at all?!
Those up on the grassy knoll enjoyed that black silhouette known as Gallagher. Just like at Falls 2018, Liam opened with Rock N Roll Star. Like a madman on turrets, he moaned about the shitty PA mid song. "Wasting my fucking time!" he bellowed catching most off guard. The fun kicked on during the intro to Halo, when ole mate Liam threatened one of his band members "You don't start til I fucking say so!" All the happys!
After Shockwave he'd finally had enough and most braced for a full thrown titillating tantrum, but after telling the crowd to all "Go and ask for your money back, fucking K Pop sound system!", things lightened up, he seemed to move on and by the sounds of the choppers introducing Morning Glory he seemed to mellow a little and his voice went from fucking shit to just a little shit.
Stand By Me was good, Once was the biggest highlight from the non-Oasis stuff, except for that opening line, what the fuck?! He moved along at a steady pace, every now and again a flare would go up in the crowd (just like Falls - hopefully they catch you and ban you one day "Flareboy"!). "This is Wonderwall" introduced a whole bunch of fucking phone screens in the beautiful summer night air, Gallagher deciding to leave all the choruses to the crowd, in what can only be described as a lackluster, lazy ending to the main set of dribble.
"Thank you, see you later" was the first insincere goodbye. The band once again came up the metal stairs at side of stage for what was the best part of the night. "I hope you know the words to Acquiesce cos I don't" Gallagher proclaimed. He lied, he just didn't know the bits his talented sibling offered on the original, instead done by three soul singing sisters who were a joy in a sometimes untidy and dark, seedy stage.
Unlike, Lahey before him, Liam Gallagher did not introduce a single member of his good for nothing band! However they went up a notch during Oasis banger Supersonic - a moment they might have pushed the old bastard into the crowd and let him fester with his beloved, the cretins throwing full beers into the air, setting off flares and punching on with the art time people looking for a casual Tuesday evening.
"I thank ya for coming out, and putting up with this madness, there ya go!" was the second sayonara before a trudging Champagne Supernova flippidy floppidied itself all over the smouldering crowd. A more sincere and final "Happy Christmas ya motherfuckers" ended the jibber jabba as he came back for a second encore (who the fuck does that anymore?!). Cigarettes And Alcohol left half the attendees bailing for the Fremantle night life and the other half wondering why Liam just wandered offstage without blowing a goat goodbye.
He came he, he struggled, got angry, then fucked off! Good on him, the Oasis legacy is still intact! You Fat Bastards!