Together at Last... Even and The Fauves play at The Gov

The party is well and truly over for Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart, but Even and The Fauves have one more 'Together at Last' show left in Adelaide.
Even and The Fauves, are two names that loom large in the parthenon of Australian music. For nigh on twenty years these two bands of seasoned road warriors have blazed trails up and down this fine country. From every sweat drenched bandroom to every parking lot bust up, Even and The Fauves have bared witness to it all. Surprisingly, given the decades notched up between the two bands, these diggers have never toured together. This was clearly a situation to be rectified and now rectified it is.
Both bands have brand spanking new albums to take to the salivating masses, Even with ‘In Another Time’ and The Fauves with ‘German Engines’, which are both sure to be given an airing come friday night.
This is a show that no punter worth their salt can afford to miss.
Together at Last... Even & The Fauves
Friday 17th August - The Gov, Adelaide - Tickets from Oztix
Even and The Fauves, are two names that loom large in the parthenon of Australian music. For nigh on twenty years these two bands of seasoned road warriors have blazed trails up and down this fine country. From every sweat drenched bandroom to every parking lot bust up, Even and The Fauves have bared witness to it all. Surprisingly, given the decades notched up between the two bands, these diggers have never toured together. This was clearly a situation to be rectified and now rectified it is.
Both bands have brand spanking new albums to take to the salivating masses, Even with ‘In Another Time’ and The Fauves with ‘German Engines’, which are both sure to be given an airing come friday night.
This is a show that no punter worth their salt can afford to miss.
Together at Last... Even & The Fauves
Friday 17th August - The Gov, Adelaide - Tickets from Oztix